Success Rates
Living with drug and alcohol addiction is difficult, which is why the best place for you to be is a rehab centre. This is because a rehab centre is a specialised medical facility that can provide you with the treatments and support you will need to overcome your addiction.
At Nova Recovery we understand that it can be difficult to put your faith in a system you may not fully understand.
We want you to know that this fear you are feeling is very common and, in many ways, is the first step in your journey to long-term recovery.
The main reason rehab works for helping people overcome addictions is because it can provide a safe environment that teaches you how to manage your addiction in the long run and deal with the short-term effects of recovery.
Technically speaking, you could work towards recovery on your own. However, it has been proven that you will be much more successful if you receive help from a rehab facility.
According to the Department Of Healths Addiction Centre, as of 2012, the success rate for people using rehab centres across the UK is between 60 and 80%.
This is a drastic improvement from 20 years ago, which only saw a 47% recovery rate.