Effects of Drugs on Dental Health

Drug addiction is a destructive disease that can take hold quickly. Drugs can have a serious effect on you physically, having a negative on your major organs and eventually proving fatal. They also have a serious impact on your dental health. People addicted to drugs often have bad teeth and oral problems that can plague…

Can Spice Kill You?

A dangerous and deadly drug, spice causes hundreds of thousands of hospital admissions every single year in the UK and thousands of deaths. But what exactly is it? And what should you do if you’re worried that someone you know might be addicted to it? We reveal all here.   Spice is a synthetic cannabinoid…

What is the Drug Capital of Scotland?

According to Statista, in 2021, 1,330 people died in Scotland as a result of their drug use. This has been the highest number since records began 25 years ago. Edinburgh and Dundee are unfortunately at the top of the list, with Glasgow closely following. In the fight against the record number of drug-related deaths, there…

Is Rehab Free in Scotland?

Addiction is a very real problem that many people suffer from each year. Drug and alcohol addiction is a disease which can create a negative domino effect in your life. This can lead to job loss, relationship issues and financial troubles. It can also wreak havoc on your physical and mental health. Causes and triggers…

Does Scotland Have a Cannabis Problem?

The Scottish government says that Scotland has a “troubled relationship” with both alcohol and illicit drug use. A recent report states, “Since the 1980s, we have seen substantially increased alcohol consumption, and consequently, high levels of alcohol-related harm. We also remain extremely concerned by the continued rise in drug-related harm and are fully committed to…

What Are The Most Commonly Abused Drugs in Scotland?

Drug addiction is a growing problem in Scotland, with more people than ever turning to drugs for one reason or another. Unfortunately, this has caused a serious threat to people, with more people dying from drug-related deaths in 2020 since records began. Over 1,339 drug-related deaths were registered in Scotland in 2020 alone. It is…

Can You Become Addicted To E-Cigarettes?

While E-cigarettes have always been marketed as the safer and healthier alternative to normal cigarettes, they are still highly addictive. This is because despite them not containing any of the harmful tar-like cigarettes do, they still contain nicotine, and often more nicotine than would be in a cigarette. Nicotine is a highly addictive substance that…

Is Weed Legal in Scotland

Weed is the most popular illegal drug in Scotland.  As with the UK, people living in Scotland are breaking the law if they use cannabis at home in a recreational way. The rule applies to all of the UK. Cannabis is classed as a class B drug, grouped with amphetamines (speed, crystal meth) and Ketamine.…

How to Spot an Alcoholic Face

We’re living in a world where drinking alcohol socially and drinking it in excess is seen as the norm. More people are increasingly seeing the negative impact of excessive alcohol consumption but are finding it difficult to get out of this cycle. Social drinking can quickly turn into a dependence on the substance which in…

Supplements for Alcohol Withdrawal

People that are addicted to alcohol are more susceptible to vitamin deficiencies. These deficiencies become apparent when alcohol abusers attempt to detox, either at home or during the first stages of alcohol rehab. There are several conditions believed to be related to vitamin deficiencies so it is something that should be considered when attempting withdrawal.…