You can pay for rehab in Scotland privately, through medical health insurance or seek outpatient treatment options. There are a lot of potential choices within those three basic approaches, though, and the cost of rehab centres and other addiction treatment options can vary.

If you are struggling with an alcohol or drug problem in Scotland, you might be considering treatment such as a rehabilitation programme (rehab). 

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Private Rehab Cost and Payment Options in Scotland

There are two basic approaches to treating addiction. An outpatient rehab programme involves the person in recovery attending a series of drug or alcohol addiction treatment services and appointments, which may be in a clinic or other similar venue. 

This is the type of treatment plan most commonly available via the NHS and through local drug and alcohol services, and it can certainly be valuable for many people. There can be a number of drawbacks, though.

Firstly, it can be difficult to organise and turn up to these sessions, especially if you are experiencing a ‘chaotic lifestyle’ due to a drug or alcohol addiction. 

You will be surrounded by all the usual people, places, triggers and temptations associated with your drinking or drug use. 

Another aspect of opting for outpatient rehab treatment is you may have to go through the crucial detoxification or detox phase with minimal supervision and support. Treatment programmes are likely to be less in-depth and yet can take longer overall as the sessions will be more spread out.

On the other hand, there is also the option to stay onsite as a resident (within an inpatient rehab clinic) for the duration of your treatment. This puts you in a safe, supportive and tranquil environment, away from all those triggers and temptations, meaning you can completely focus on your recovery. 

Depending on the alcohol rehab programme, you will usually go through a medically supervised detox followed by extensive therapy, which could include 12-step group therapy and individual one-to-one sessions. There may also be other elements, such as relapse prevention, nutritional sessions, meditation and mindfulness, all of which can help an ongoing recovery.

All of this costs money. The price of rehab starts at roughly £4k in Scotland and will rise depending on the length of the programme and other factors. Any costs can definitely be seen as an investment, however. 

The costs of untreated addiction can soon be far higher, and not just in monetary terms. Alcohol and drug abuse can damage your physical and mental health. It can destroy relationships, tear families apart and affect your work, finances and pretty much every other aspect of your life.

Sometimes you might have to consider if you can afford not to go to the rehab clinic.

Can You Get Rehab Treatment on the NHS?

If you are looking for funding for alcohol or drug rehab through NHS Scotland, there are a limited number of places available each year. 

The Scottish Government has said that improving access to residential rehabilitation for drug and alcohol use is a key part of the National Mission to save and improve lives. It made a commitment to increase the number of publicly funded placements by more than 300% so that at least 1,000 people per year receive funding to access residential rehabilitation by 2026.

This is still a very small proportion of all the people who need help, however. It is difficult to put precise figures on the number of those in desperate need of alcohol addiction treatment, but there are estimated that at least a million people in Scotland regularly drink too much.

Additionally, there were estimated to be more than 57,000 people who had problems with drug and alcohol addiction or use involving illicit opiates and/or benzodiazepines – a much higher rate than in England or other European countries.

Where government-funded alcohol and drug rehab is available, there will be strict criteria for eligibility, and you must first be engaging with drug and alcohol services in your area. 

There will be several different stages of assessment with a multi-agency assessment panel considering things such as:

  •           Substance use history and previous treatments.
  •           Recent toxicology tests.
  •           Medical background, including any history of mental health issues. 
  •           History of offending related to drug or alcohol use. 
  •           Parental and other responsibilities.
  •           Motivation and readiness to engage in treatment. 

If a candidate is approved, the rehab may be partly or fully funded. In many cases, detox will not be offered as this adds to the expense of attending rehab. In these cases, the person will be expected to fully detoxify before they go into rehab.

Private Health Insurance for Rehab Treatment Options

The private rehab cost can sometimes be paid for with a private health insurance policy. 

This could be a workplace scheme, or it may be one that you take out yourself, but you should bear in mind that not all health insurance policies will cover private rehab treatment and/or other kinds of addiction treatment. You should always read the fine print for what is and isn’t covered and any exceptions or stipulations.

Bupa, for example, which is the biggest private healthcare provider in the UK, says that it “covers you for any addiction” and that it will “even cover you for a period of rehab to help you recover from your dependency”. This is limited to one addiction treatment programme per membership lifetime.

You will generally need a diagnosis to show you have an addiction, and there may be an excess to pay. Just as with home or car insurance, this means you may have to pay the first part of any claim made, with the insurance provider covering the rest.

Admissions Process to Rehab and Costs

At Nova Recovery, our admissions process is designed to make everything as easy as possible and starts with an initial enquiry and pre-admission query. When we have a clear idea of your requirements, we can run you through the options, including budget and costs.

If you agree and are ready to choose to work towards recovery, a start date will be suggested, and we will ask for an initial deposit.

Nova Recovery costs are roughly the following:

  • 7-day detox treatment: £4,125.
  • 10-day programme: £5,450.
  • 14-day programme: £7,400.
  • 21-day programme: £10,650.
  • 28-day programme: £12,950.
  • 6-week programme: £18,975.

Get in Touch to Discuss Our Rehab Costs

If you are struggling with drugs or alcohol and think rehab might be your best way forward, get in touch today to discuss our costs and options for rehab. It might be the best decision you ever make.

John Gillen - Author - Last updated: June 6, 2023

John has travelled extensively around the world, culminating in 19 years’ experience looking at different models. He is the European pioneer of NAD+ (Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide) treatment to Europe in 2010; and recently back from the USA bringing state of the art Virtual Reality Relapse Prevention and stress reduction therapy. His passion extends to other metabolic disturbances and neurodegenerative diseases. The journey continues. In recent times, John has travelled to Russia to study and research into a new therapy photobiomudulation or systemic laser therapy working with NAD+ scientists and the very best of the medical professionals in the UK and the USA, together with Nadcell, Bionad Hospitals own select Doctors, nurses, dieticians and therapists. Johns’ passion continues to endeavour to bring to the UK and Europe new developments with NAD+ Therapy in preventive and restorative medicine and Wellness. In 2017 John Gillen was made a visiting Professor at the John Naisbitt university in Belgrade Serbia.