If so, it’s likely that you will be familiar with drug and alcohol rehab as a whole.
However, it’s also likely that you will have some personal questions or concerns which you will want to address, before investing yourself.
This is understandable, as the finer details of rehab can be complex, mostly down to personal needs and unique causations of addiction.
With this in mind, we encourage you to reach out as soon as you’re ready, to share your intrigue and learn the exact drug and alcohol rehabilitation experience you can benefit from.
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Below are some common questions we get asked, touching on surface-level needs, such as the rehab admission, and next steps if a drug and alcohol rehab in Shetland ranks as unsuitable. Feel free to get in touch with your personal questions if they deviate from the below.
Together, we can work to overcome your addiction, making freedom from drugs and alcohol a realistic aim.
Benefit from one of the most affordable, yet reputable drug and alcohol rehab hospitals for a true experience of residential rehabilitation.
What happens through a Drug and Alcohol Rehab Admission?
Your admission is ultimately the process of getting to know you as a person and your needs from rehab, soon followed by arrangements to cater to those needs. As soon as you reach out, this process will begin, where our team of compassionate individuals will support you through your initial acknowledgement of addiction.
From here, a pre-rehab screening process will take place. This is where we will assess your personal experience with drugs and alcohol, we will measure your physical and psychological health, and we will ultimately paint a picture of the rehab experience, required by yourself to rehabilitate.
This picture will then materialise into your personal rehab programme here at Nova Recovery, ready for your admission date. Arrangements will be made to move you from Shetland, to our Largs based rehab hospital, where a final hospitalal assessment will take place, ensuring that our recommendations are suited.
Through five easy steps, your admission will be completed, where you’ll access a personal and progressive drug and alcohol rehab programme.
What happens if I cannot find a Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Shetland?
It’s firstly important to consider whether you’re open to looking beyond rehab in Shetland, and joining a drug and alcohol rehab clinic centre on the mainland of Scotland.
If not, you may struggle to find a rehab programme which is both convenient, yet suitable for you. If you are however open to looking further afield, you will have access to our specialist rehab hospital at Nova Recovery.
In the majority of cases, looking beyond your local setting will in fact benefit you. While it may feel easier to remain close to home, the easier option will not, for the majority, work best. Residential rehab, set away can provide you with the best option, removing you from physical and psychological triggers, known to motivate your drug and alcohol consumption.
A lack of localised support can in fact be a blessing for you, opening up your acceptance of alternative drug and alcohol rehabilitation options. Through overcoming your comfort zone, you’ll have a true opportunity to change and work towards long-term recovery.
Will I feel comfortable away from home?
Yes, here in Largs, you will feel comfortable. While we are set away from the Shetland area, our rehab hospital is designed for residential stays. With this in mind, you will have everything at your disposal to advance through rehabilitation steps, addiction treatment options and your stay.
We pride ourselves on our comfortable, welcoming, friendly and homely environment, in place to increase your acceptance and susceptibility to drug and alcohol rehab. Through an optimal setting, set away from triggers, you can soon return to your home comforts in Shetland with a new perspective on drug and alcohol abuse.
Why should intense Addiction Treatment be completed?
An addiction is a multifaceted illness. It targets individuals on physical and psychological levels. Down to this, intense structures of addiction treatment should be completed, usually within a short timeframe.
This again is one key benefit of residential rehab, as you can complete a comprehensive rehab programme within a 28-day timeframe.
Addiction treatments must also be intense to ensure that they work. They are the motivators of rehab and long-term recovery. They help to detoxify, revert changes, inspire maintenance, and also act as relapse prevention.
With this in mind, clients must have consistent exposure to those motivators, in order to tackle a physical and psychological drug and alcohol addiction.
Exact treatment options recommended for you personally will be outlined on your admission. Yet, to set expectations, you can exact to complete anything from stress management and CBT, to detox and dual-diagnosis treatment.
What will life be like back in Shetland?
Life will be different on your return to Shetland. This is the ultimate goal of rehab, to revert those negative habits linked to drug and alcohol abuse. As life will be different, so will you, requiring active adaptations to your lifestyle.
Your once drug and alcohol consumed reality will soon become consumed by aftercare services, by support groups, by healthy routines, and by self-care.
This is imperative to ensure that you can maintain the new skills you’ve developed throughout drug and alcohol rehab.
Further support for your post-rehab reality can be sourced via a drug and alcohol rehab in Shetland, offering convenience and ongoing exposure to professional guidance.
Our aim is to work with our clients, to help them overcome addiction and see the value of life without drug and alcohol abuse. We can help you reach this point by instilling your trust in us.
Yet, to do so, you must look beyond the convenience of visiting a drug and alcohol rehab in Shetland. That way, you can access and benefit from our residential rehab programmes, catered around your needs, to help your recovery.
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