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Addiction devastates countless people’s lives each year across the UK, as it takes a heavy physical and psychological toll on the addict while also negatively affecting their relationships with others and society as a whole.

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At Nova Recovery, we understand the daunting nature of taking the first step on the road to recovery and aim to provide the best help possible when it comes to taking that step with the treatments on offer at our rehab in Coatbridge.

When it comes to drug and alcohol services near you, then you need to look no further than Nova Recovery’s rehabilitation hospital in Coatbridge.


At What Point Is Drug And Alcohol Rehab Necessary?

Realising that you have a drug addiction, alcohol addiction, or a different form of addiction, is an important step towards turning your life around. Coming to terms with the fact that you have an addiction can be a naturally terrifying moment.

However, seeking addiction treatment at rehab can help you process this realisation and then guide you towards overcoming the addiction — and at Nova Recovery, we aim for long-term recovery so that you can enjoy every moment of the rest of your life without fear of addiction.

You may be concerned about the level of drugs or alcohol that you are consuming on a weekly or daily basis. Or, perhaps you are experiencing withdrawal symptoms when you do not consume drugs or alcohol?

Alternatively, you may be aware that you are jeopardising other relationships and/or career prospects in favour of your substance cravings. And, if any of those ring true with you, then making the all-important decision to attend treatment at rehab will be the best decision that you make today. It is never too early or late to seek out assistance when it comes to addiction.


What Is Our Private Rehab Like?

During your stay at our state-of-the-art rehab facility, you will reap the benefits of a plethora of different treatments and benefits which will all combine to not only treat your addiction but prepare you for your life after addiction and provide you with tools to aid relapse prevention and ensure that your recovery is long-lasting!

One of the main treatments that our specialist medial professionals offer is cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT). This treatment is particularly effective for those who suffer from mental health problems.

Conquering drug and alcohol abuse is not only about making your physical body healthy, but is about healing your mind also, and working out the root cause of your addiction which, in turn, can help disconnect you from your negative attachment to drugs and/or alcohol.

Other treatment programmes that you will have the chance to benefit from include: group therapy, art workshops, stress management advice, support groups, dual-diagnosis treatment, and relapse prevention sessions. With this foundation of treatments, then it is strongly expected that regardless of the length of your stay, that you will experience a well-rounded, effective, and long-term recovery.


Detox With Our Specialist Detox Hospital

Experiencing alcohol withdrawal and/or drug withdrawal can be a fearful prospect for addicts, and this is perfectly natural. The physical symptoms that present during substance withdrawal can be challenging, vastly uncomfortable, scary, and — depending on your addiction — fatal if experienced on your own without medical support.

However, at Nova Recovery’s specialist detox hospital we aim for a safe and painless withdrawal period when you arrive at our facility. Our bespoke detox hospital provides detox treatments that are tailored specifically to your personal addiction by our medical professionals, then you will be monitored closely as we cleanse your body, remove all of the harmful toxins, and get you ready for recovery in a safe environment.

For some people, detoxing can be a life-threatening experience, and so it should be experienced under the guidance of those such as our trained and experienced professionals. While it can be a daunting prospect, it is necessary for you to truly begin your journey to a sober and healthy life.


Once Your Initial Treatment Is Over, We’ll Always Be With You

Once you stay with us at our private rehab in Coatbridge has come to an end, your treatment plan will also include a complimentary 12-month aftercare plan in order to keep you sober once you return home.

The idea of returning back to your everyday life after completing your stay in rehab may cause you to feel nervous, and again that is completely to be expected.

Previous negative influences may try and reappear in your day-to-day life and temptations may present themselves to you, although, with the experience of the treatment you will have gained during your stay and your access to our aftercare plan, we will keep you clean and sober during those challenging few months after leaving the facility.

Also, if you are looking to repair relationships that may have been damaged as a result of your addiction, then we can help by recommending family therapy sessions, family drug support, and dedicated helplines for this very purpose.


Don’t Put Off Living Your Life Free From Addiction, Contact Us Today!

So, if you are sick of living under the thumb of your addiction, and are finally ready to stop delaying getting healthy and take back control of your life, then call us on 0147 530 3039, email us at info@novarecovery.co.uk, or contact us through the chat function on our website.

Regardless of how you contact us, one of our dedicated staff will be with you as soon as possible and will be able to help you get into a treatment plan as quickly as we can.

Furthermore, if you’re looking through this information for someone other than yourself such as a family member or friend, then we do work on family and friend referrals — and we even offer professional referrals for those concerned about an addiction of someone in the workplace. Watching a loved one let their life be destroyed by addiction can be heartbreaking, and we can help, so call today.