If you are trapped in the vicious cycle of an alcohol or drug addiction, it can be difficult to know where to do next.
There are many benefits to finding treatment and support through addiction. Both can help to motivate and strengthen recovery rates. A range of treatments and supportive services can also offer emotional support, clear guidance, and hope through the challenges of addiction.
Addiction treatment and support will be available via a drug and alcohol rehab in Peebles. Operating to CQC standards, a range of effective and proven treatments can be expected, to detox, rehabilitate and plan for sobriety.
Through our private recovery hospital here at Nova Recovery you can expect such quality, whilst also experiencing bespoke recommendations and arrangements.
Contact our team to reach, maintain and lead a sober life. With treatment and professional support, you can overcome drug and alcohol abuse.
Finding treatment and support in Peebles
When looking for professional treatment and support, it’s encouraged that you consider your personal needs and goals. This is your recovery journey. Making sure that it’s worthwhile, comfortable, and realistic is important.
The most reliable way to find treatment and support will be by completing some research. Researching local treatment options will offer insight into their cost, length, approach and expected recovery rates.
NHS treatments are one of the most researched options, for their free and convenient offering. Both treatment and support will be available through your local hospital. Yet experiencing them urgently and consistently may be challenging, as treatment is in demand.
Another option which is favoured includes private rehab. Via a drug and alcohol rehab in Peebles you can select to either visit or check into rehab for treatment. Both programmes offer immediate support, provide a bespoke plan of action, and offer consistent treatment sessions. Private rehab will need to be paid for yet can be affordable and is worth the commitment for its benefits.
At Nova Recovery, we offer the latter of private rehabilitation. Recommended for the recovery rates and experiences that it provides, both treatment and support can be accessed from our private recovery hospital.
What happens through addiction treatment?
Addiction treatment services will be recommended throughout rehab, forming a personal plan of action. They help to treat the cause and consequences of addiction. It’s very possible to feel better by completing treatment. Treatments also help to secure recovery, with planning, education, and change in mind.
Offered through a bespoke approach here at Nova Recovery, physical and psychological treatments and therapies will be promoted. Withdrawal, recovery, planning and maintenance can all be worked towards through our programmes.
Detoxing and withdrawing from drugs and alcohol
To recover from an addiction, detoxing and withdrawing from drugs and alcohol will be necessary. Expecting to get clean is a realistic aim through our medical treatment services.
Offering a detoxification process, our medical teams are available 24/7 to help you detach from drugs and alcohol. Consumption will be stopped, as will all exposure, to help control cravings and urges.
The process will be safe and will focus on improving your wellbeing by reverting the damages of substance abuse. Wellbeing management, nutritional support and a balanced lifestyle will be promoted throughout.
Recovering, rehabilitating, and planning
Both treatment and support can be expected through the rehabilitation phase of rehab. Recovery can be achieved by completing a range of therapy sessions, educational steps, and planning.
Therapy is one of the most commonly recommended treatments for treating addiction as it considers causes, triggers, and responses through substance abuse. Our therapies are designed around cognitive behavioural therapy, through both individual and group sessions. Dialectical behavioural therapy, mental health treatments and stress management also contribute.
Education and planning are experienced through relapse prevention planning. Greater awareness of relapse and personal triggers is expected, along with plans and preventive tools to work through any risks. Planning is very important to rehabilitate with confidence and the ability to spot and work through drug and alcohol exposure.
A range of treatments and therapies will be combined at this point, filling either an inpatient or outpatient programme. Both can be completed via a private drug and alcohol rehab in Peebles.
Maintaining sobriety during aftercare
Sobriety may feel miles off, yet it is achievable through a completed rehab programme, aftercare, and ongoing commitment.
Aftercare is an important part of post-rehab life, as it offers support and ongoing treatment throughout the phase of independent recovery. This will be the moment to adjust to a drug and alcohol-free life, supported by local groups and therapy sessions.
Maintaining sobriety and avoiding relapse is greater by committing to 12 months of free aftercare. Carrying forward the tools and support networks offered through rehab and aftercare will help to strengthen results for the long-term.
Access a wide range of treatments and support via a drug and alcohol rehab in Peebles. Each step will be tailored to your needs here at Nova Recovery.
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do withdrawal symptoms last?
Withdrawal symptoms are a response to detoxification. They are indications that the body and mind are experiencing shock, as drugs and alcohol are eliminated as influences.
Symptoms are usually at their worst through the first 7-10 days of withdrawal. They include nausea, irritability, intense cravings, depression, insomnia, the shakes, and headaches. Withdrawal symptoms can continue beyond the first 10 days, yet will usually ease, especially through a medically assisted detox.
At Nova Recovery, you can expect a comfortable and pain-free detoxification, as our programmes are medically observed and include a range of supportive therapies.
How effective is inpatient rehab?
Inpatient rehab is the most effective way to recover. Over a 28-day period, a wide range of treatments and therapies can be completed, which can help to detox the body, adapt outlooks, and prepare clients for long-term recovery.
To experience inpatient rehab, you’ll need to reside in a drug and alcohol rehab in Peebles. You’ll have a private space to experience, along with around the clock professional care.
As it is fast paced, personalised, and completely observed, inpatient rehab offers the greatest recovery rates.
What happens during outpatient rehab?
Outpatient rehab is a programme offered through private rehab. It’s arranged over a number of months to offer flexibility. During outpatient rehab, clients will visit a selected rehab clinic to complete a range of treatments and therapies. Outside of sessions, support and guidance will be offered, to recover through everyday life.
Recovering through outpatient rehab is possible. Yet inpatient rehab is the most recommended to treat addiction.